
1 %%% eturnal STUN/TURN server module.
2 %%%
3 %%% Copyright (c) 2020 Marc Schink <dev@zapb.de>.
4 %%% Copyright (c) 2020 ProcessOne, SARL.
5 %%% All rights reserved.
6 %%%
7 %%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 %%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 %%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 %%%
11 %%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 %%%
13 %%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 %%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 %%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 %%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 %%% limitations under the License.
19 %%% This module logs STUN/TURN events with some metadata into an InfluxDB
20 %%% database.
22 -module(mod_stats_influx).
23 -behaviour(eturnal_module).
24 -export([start/0,
25 stop/0,
26 handle_event/2,
27 options/0]).
28 -import(yval, [either/2, ip/0, non_empty/1, port/0, string/0]).
30 -include_lib("kernel/include/logger.hrl").
31 -define(INFLUX_POOL, stats_influx_pool).
33 %% API.
35 -spec start() -> {ok, eturnal_module:events()}.
36 start() ->
37 3 ?LOG_DEBUG("Starting ~s", [?MODULE]),
38 3 ok = eturnal_module:ensure_deps(?MODULE, [influx_udp]),
39 3 Host = eturnal_module:get_opt(?MODULE, host),
40 3 Port = eturnal_module:get_opt(?MODULE, port),
41 3 Events = [turn_session_stop, stun_query],
42 3 case influx_udp:start_pool(?INFLUX_POOL, #{host => Host,
43 port => Port,
44 pool_size => 1}) of
45 {ok, _} ->
46 1 {ok, Events};
47 {error, {already_started, _}} ->
48 2 {ok, Events};
49 {error, Reason} ->
51 end.
53 -spec handle_event(eturnal_module:event(), eturnal_module:info()) -> ok.
54 handle_event(stun_query, Info) ->
55 5 on_stun_query(Info);
56 handle_event(turn_session_stop, Info) ->
57 2 on_turn_session_stop(Info).
59 -spec stop() -> ok.
60 stop() ->
61 3 ?LOG_DEBUG("Stopping ~s", [?MODULE]),
62 3 ok.
64 -spec options() -> eturnal_module:options().
65 options() ->
66 3 {#{host => either(ip(), non_empty(string())),
67 port => port()},
68 [{defaults,
69 #{host => "localhost",
70 port => 8089}}]}.
72 %% Internal functions.
74 -spec on_stun_query(eturnal_module:info()) -> ok.
75 on_stun_query(#{transport := Transport}) ->
76 5 ?LOG_DEBUG("Writing STUN query event to InfluxDB"),
77 5 Points = [{type, <<"stun">>},
78 {transport, string:lowercase(Transport)}],
79 5 ok = influx_udp:write_to(?INFLUX_POOL, <<"events">>, Points).
81 -spec on_turn_session_stop(eturnal_module:info()) -> ok.
82 on_turn_session_stop(#{id := ID,
83 transport := Transport,
84 sent_bytes := Sent,
85 rcvd_bytes := Rcvd,
86 duration := Duration0}) ->
87 2 ?LOG_DEBUG("Writing stats of TURN session ~s to InfluxDB", [ID]),
88 2 Duration = erlang:convert_time_unit(Duration0, native, microsecond),
89 2 Points = [{type, <<"turn">>},
90 {transport, string:lowercase(Transport)},
91 {duration, Duration},
92 {sent_bytes, Sent},
93 {rcvd_bytes, Rcvd}],
94 2 ok = influx_udp:write_to(?INFLUX_POOL, <<"events">>, Points).
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